Monday, July 30, 2007

Wakesurf Board Options

There are several companies that make wakesurf boards - specific to wakesurfing.

Yes, a regular ocean surfboard can be used behind a boat (my first few times wakesurfing were on a Rip Curl Ocean Board 6'8". ) but typically ocean boards have more rocker* than is appropriate for the smaller wave behind the boat. Wakesurf specific boards will generally have very little rocker to make them faster and more manueverable on the wake.

The companies that currently I'm aware of are: (as of July 2007)

Area 53
ASC Boards
Calibrated Wakesurfing
Phase 5
Inland Surfer
Shoreline Lakeboards
Shredd Stixx
Trick Boardz
The Walker Project
Xtreme Board Company (XBC)

There may be a few others out there. If you know of any others, please send my way and I'll list them up here. On many of the forums there are just a few boards that are mentioned. I wanted to try to compile a list of the many options out there. I didn't list up the major wakeboard manufacturers boards -- Hyperlight, CWB, Liquid Force -- but those are additional options. In my opinion, they are for the most part, wakeboard technology transferred to a wakesurf board, so don't have the surfing expertise/experience that makes a good quality board.

* Rocker: the amount of curvature shaped into the bottom of the board. In a general sense, the more rocker a board has, the more it will resemble a spoon. The less rocker, the flatter the bottom of the board will be. (Think of trying to push a large spoon through the water vs. pushing a slalom ski).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another Company is

Crowley Wake
